

V sobotu 10. února se v pražském Motole konaly neoficiální agility závody - O Velkou Pandu II, a nechyběl zde ani zástupce plemene Coton de Tuléar.
Poprvé zde startoval tým Robin Fingerhut a Archie Briliant z Madaskaru, a to jako začátečníci Small.
Přestože to pro kluky byly první závody, doslova zde excelovali. Nejdříve se v kategorii Z-S agility umístili na pěkném 9. místě z 15 a poté v kategorii Z-S jumping nestačili pouze na bichona a mezi 16 týmy si tak vyskákali krásné 2. místo!!!
Saturday, on 10th february, unofficial agility competition - O Velkou Pandu II. took place in Motole. Also Coton de Tulear was represented there.
A team consisting of Robin Fingerhut and Archie Briliant z Madaskaru participated in the beginners' class Small for the very fisrt time.
Even though, it has been their first agility competition , they did excellent work. They ended in the great 9th place from 15 participants in the Z-S agility category and then won the beautiful 2nd place from 16 competitors in the Z-S jumping category, only bichon overtook them.